How To Shop For Healthy Food

Word count:10170

[Music] legendary basketball coach John Wooden who won many consecutive championships for UCLA and who was considered to be one of the greatest athletic coaches of all time had a very simple philosophy for success which Hill allowed him to win so many consecutive championships the most out of anybody and what was so powerful about his philosophy was that it was simple and it had focused on the fundamentals and what he would do you might think to get these kids these college students to win all these basketball games is that he would teach them flashy moves how to Duncan how to do all sorts of fancy stuff out there on the court but that's the opposite of what he did he just focused on the stupidly simple things you know how he would start his his students off he would teach them how to put on their shoes how to tie their shoelaces and before even that he would teach them how to put on their socks and you might think all but I've been playing basketball ever since since high school and I'm already really good and now I'm in college now I I don't need to know how to put on my shoes and tie my my shoes and how to put on my socks that's obvious stuff duh I know how to do that but what John Wooden would say is he would say how are you gonna win the chance the championship basketball game if you don't know how to tie your shoelaces and you're running and you got ten seconds left on the clock and you to score the winning shot and your shoelace has come undone how are you gonna win when your attention is distracted and you're tripping over your shoelaces or you would say how are you gonna win the championship game if we need to practice for five hours a day every single day for months on end and you put your socks on wrong such that the seam of the socks isn't properly aligned with your foot and with your choose so that after training for five hours you develop blisters and pain and therefore you don't show up on practice on Monday and you miss practice and then you have those blisters for the championship game how you gonna win it's the details that matter so a lot of times when I start talking about very simple things like in this case how to shop for healthy food people tend to dismiss and say oh I'll leo but shopping for healthy food what does this have to do with enlightenment this is not advanced philosophical knowledge or wisdom Ernie this kind of stuff this is obvious I already know but do you really know food sets the foundation for health and the foundation for the rest of your life if you don't have a proper foundation of nutrition then how can we speak about anything else how can you meditate properly how can you work on your addictions how can you do yoga how can you do enlightenment work it's not gonna work most people have no idea how to shop for healthy food because they never been taught because our society doesn't teach these things in fact our society doesn't just not teach these things it does the exact opposite it teaches you all the wrong things to shop for and you started learning the wrong things right down to elementary school through middle school through high school you got a 12 year education in how to eat all the wrong foods and nobody really told you that most modern foods are literally poison and that food manufacturers and food advertising is highly misleading and these people and companies they know that they are selling you poison and yet every single year they invest billions of dollars in focus groups and in marketing campaigns to directly target you with poison getting you to buy more of their poison addicted to their poison and then people wonder why they have problems and why they're depressed and why they have it ad/hd and then they can meditate and they can't do this and they can't do that this is one big reason it's not the only reason it's a big reason because quite simply food manufacturers and advertisers are literally Devils that's what they are they are in the business of serving themselves at your expense and of course they don't teach you this in school because these very devils have infiltrated the government's nutrition programs they have actually constructed engineered the food pyramid and all the recommendations by the government to in fact get you to buy more of their poison that's how clever these Devils are and of course there's one other benefit that you'll get from learning how to how to shop for healthy food besides just your health and that's never having to worry about your weight ever again if you follow these guidelines that I'm gonna give you not only will you significantly improve your health and enable yourself to do more of the advanced consciousness work that I want you doing but you will never have to worry about being too fat not fitting into your jeans you won't even have to go to the gym you'll be able to stay at a good healthy slim weight no matter what you eat as long as you follow these guidelines so let's talk about this the key food groups that you need to avoid the most are brace yourself wheat dairy sugar corn soy and artificial chemicals and sweeteners and coloring agents these are the big ones these are the ones that really make a difference why because these cause allergic reactions in the body and a host of autoimmune diseases a lot of people aren't aware of this category of diseases called autoimmune diseases it's actually one of the largest category of diseases this is not some kind of rare one-off disease it's extremely prevalent over 50 million Americans have an autoimmune disease of one form or another and the trick with these autoimmune diseases is that there's over a hundred different types they can be very severe or they can be subtle there are many gradations of them and many people aren't diagnosed well so not those 50-million those are the ones that are diagnosed then there are millions more perhaps just as many million more who are not properly diagnosed because doctors generally speaking don't know how to diagnose these very well and the cures and treatments for these diseases are also very slim science doesn't understand disease very well and that's because of most of them are caused by improper diet and of course a doctor will tell you everything that you can do all the medications you can take and all that but he's not gonna tell you how to correct your diet and how to shop for healthy food the one thing that cures many of these autoimmune diseases because that's the root cause and in fact just taking medication doesn't cure you of the root cause the disease will still continue and that's actually another corruption of the medical system where these Devils come in and what they do is of course you have an autoimmune disease so what they do is they just give you some drug and then they force you to take that drug for the rest of your life and of course that's perfect from them from their perspective because that means you got to show up to the doctor's office for a new prescription every single year or every six months and you got to buy their expensive medicine and you got to do that for the rest of your life that's like an infinite pool of clients that's 50 million clients to physicians offices every single year that's perfect for the doctors it's perfect for the medical industry perfect for hospitals but it sucks for you and the reason I'm passionate about this is because I have some autoimmune diseases and although there's a genetic component of course for example some of my Ottoman diseases my mom also has I have hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's which is related to hypothyroidism it's it's when your immune system attacks your thyroid gland but in general all autoimmune diseases are like that it's your immune system overreacting to something same but what I've discovered is that in my own case it's my diet it's because the terrible terrible diet that I had that I was growing up with as a kid because my family knew nothing about nutrition in fact it was the exact opposite I was taught all the wrong stuff about nutrition in my school through elementary school through middle school through high school through college and only then did I start to turn this stuff around through a lot of research and education so even though there is a genetic component what people don't understand is that the genetic component only gets triggered and actualized by the poor diet specifically these bad key food groups like wheat dairy sugar corn soy and artificial chemicals see because your body didn't evolved for those things when it gets into your body it starts to wreak havoc with your with your gut with your liver with your immune system with your brain and different people have different susceptibility so some people can tolerate that stuff more than others and I'm not saying that you're 100% open to autoimmune diseases but a lot of people are and these autoimmune disease we gotta understand about them is that it's not just an on/off switch like I either have one or I don't there's gradations of it and these allergic reactions that you encounter with things like wheat dairy sugar corn soy and artificial chemicals they are not necessarily always like you go and you start heaving and throwing up that kind of you know class like allergic reaction we think of your body has subtle sensitivities that many people have become so numb to because of the food they eat there so unconscious not unaware of what they're putting into their body that they don't even know when your body is sending them the signals that you know I there's something wrong with the digestion or there's something wrong with my immune system or there's something wrong with my energy which is why we have all these problems which are difficult to treat and difficult to diagnose like chronic fatigue fibromyalgia leaky gut syndrome all the sort of stuff a lot of that comes from autoimmune diseases which come from improper diet and if you take a look at what are the most common diseases that Americans face for example heart disease diabetes arthritis hypothyroidism Hashimoto's disease celiac disease cancer chronic fatigue leaky gut ADHD and a lot of these have to do with your nutrition a lot more than your doctor will admit to you because hey you know if your doctors like my doctor he's probably fat so he doesn't know this stuff either which is really mind-blowing but anyways so that gets you a little bit of an understanding of kind of where we're coming from and why we're gonna be avoiding these food groups and some of these lists that I'll be giving you I'll be giving you a lot of lists here for what not to shop for and for what to shop for but before we get there let's talk about the the fundamental principles of how to actually select food at the grocery store I know it sounds basic but there's actually some valuable insights here that I've learned and I've taught myself so firstly ignore the calorie and the fat label on the back of the box calorie counting is completely useless and unnecessary you won't need it with this system that I'm going to give you looking at the calories of a food is irrelevant looking at the fat content is irrelevant as well only look at the list of ingredients on the back of the box that's one of the few things that the marketing companies can't screw around with too much they have to actually list all the ingredients on the back of the box they legally have to they can't hype that up they can't fudge the numbers there and they also have to list them in the order of greatest quantity to lowest quantity so that helps you to distinguish what you're actually putting into your body and the key that you want to look for and the way that you're going to basically select foods is the grocery grocery store is you're gonna look at the back of the box and you're gonna ask yourself how many ingredients are here and are these natural and whole ingredients or are these artificial chemical type of ingredients what you're looking for is you're looking for foods that are five ingredients or less per box ideally of course your food is not even in a box but let's just say you're going with a box or a can that has that label on it so if you take a box and you look on the back if it's something like a frozen pizza how many ingredients this is gonna be on that list it's gonna be over thirty or fifty including a bunch of complicated chemical names hydrogenated fats trans fats oils and all sorts of weird stuff that really you would think belongs in a chemistry class more than the does in your stomach so what you're gonna be looking for is five ingredients or less and all of them need to make sense to you so if it says it's got carrots and broccoli and some salt and pepper and oil okay that's good that's fine but if it's got a bunch of other stuff in it like take a look for example at your typical carton of ice cream and look at all the ingredients it's not just gonna be sugar and milk and some chocolate flavoring you know that would be a high-quality ice cream I mean ice cream is a problem you want to avoid ice cream but that would be a high quality ice cream because it only has three ingredients you see doesn't have a bunch of preservatives and this and that and God knows what else they stick in there but if you take a look at your standard cheap carton of ice cream that you find at Walmart it's gonna have like thirty ingredients half of them all sorts of chemical stuff so that's the one you definitely want to avoid next principle aha for he has never assumed that an item is healthy just by looking at the front of the box you always have to read the ingredient list so when I'm in the store and I'm looking for a new item that I never bought before I'm always double checking the ingredient list cuz a lot of times you pick up a bag of chips or you pick up a can of fruit or something anything god this must be healthy you know it's just potatoes or is just like broccoli in a can but then you flip it around you look at it you know what's actually there and you see all sorts of weird stuff that shouldn't be there and you'll notice that the higher quality of the can the more expensive it'll be the fewer ingredients it'll have whereas the low quality stuff will have more ingredients because they need to pack in a bunch of preservatives to preserve that stuff so the reason that can is cheaper is because it can stay on the shelf for like three years and why can it do that because they've packed it full chemicals so these food manufacturers are strongly incentivized to make food that lasts as long as humanly possible long shelf life which is the exact opposite of what you want you want food that deteriorates very quickly food that lasts less than a week that's raw fresh alive food or as close to that as you can get and you know if you can keep food in your pantry for three years and it's still good it's probably not good food to begin with you're a few more principles avoid all hydrogenated fats and oils if it's a complicated oil if it's not a natural sounding oil like olive oil or coconut oil avocado or something like that then then it's probably one of these chemist chemistry created oils these oils are very unhealthy avoid sugar and corn syrup and you'll be shocked to discover when you start actually look at the ingredient labels that probably 80% of all items in the supermarket contain corn syrup or sugar in them in large quantities so look out for that avoid those avoid generally speaking all boxed and processed foods if your food comes in a box it's probably not very high quality if it comes in a can that's borderline you can buy stuff in cans but generally what you're looking for is you're looking for fresh stuff avoid complex preservatives and coloring agents your food should not have any coloring agents in them avoid cheap meat and eggs and as a rule of thumb which are shooting for is you're looking for stuff as close to unlive as possible plant-based as much as possible lots of pigments plants contain those different colors and pigments which are good for fighting cancer cells and overcoming aging they act as enzymes and they repair your body look for organic as much as possible go for least cooked as much as possible and single ingredients as much as possible here's a list of labels which these advertising companies love to use to try to trick you into thinking that their food is healthy see because in the last 10 20 years there's been sort of a health food movement afoot and you got stores like Whole Foods opening up and becoming very popular and so these these manufacturers of food who used to manufacture a really low quality food now they're getting a little bit scared because people are now shopping for low-fat low-sugar all the sort of stuff you see but they still don't want to sacrifice their profits and they still don't want to actually offer you healthy food so what they do instead is they resort to all these devilish tricks to get you to think their food is actually healthy and good for you so here are the misleading labels which are completely meaningless cage-free that's a meaningless label vegetarian fed that's a meaningless label a lot of times they'll put these on cartons of eggs and say oh it's caged freedoms vegetarian fed and then you read that you say oh these must be good organic like eggs no they're actually not organic and what that vegetarian fed means is that to actually pack these chickens full of corn that's what they feed them as corn corn is vegetarian but that's not what chickens should be eating also what they like to do is they like to slap on the label antibiotic free and hormone free as if that actually has any significance whatsoever it's illegal to actually put antibiotics or hormones into chickens into chicken eggs and into I believe most cattle in the United States that's actually against the law so saying that your meat or your eggs are antibiotic free or hormone free that's like saying nothing that's the bare mineral like that's sort of like having a pizza box a frozen pizza box and saying it's poison free yeah no duh no it should be poison free but that doesn't mean that it's healthy just because it's poison free cyanide free okay yeah it's iodide free but so what I'm expecting something a little bit more than just cyanide free for my food also the label all-natural they'd love to use that label it's completely meaningless it's completely unregulated you could slap that label onto almost any food there's no government controls over that label no trans fats is often also very misleading because what no trans fats actually means is that it has to be below a certain percentage of trans fats so what they can do is they can they can fudge the numbers with the portion sizes they can reduce the portion sizes such that as long as there's like less than some microgram amount or some milligram amount of trans fats then they can actually claim no trans fats when in fact there actually are trans fats in the food it's completely misleading so to completely avoid trans fats what you have to do is you can't trust that label you have to actually look at the ingredient list and check it for trans fats because they might still be there you though the front of the box says no trans fats in big fat letters also watch out for the labels fat-free and low-fat these are quite meaningless because fat is actually not a problem there's no problem with eating fat that is healthy for you and the label low calorie and sugar free these are also misleading labels because they know that people are shopping counting calories so they think oh if I just say it's low calorie or sugar free that means people think it's healthy and then of course to make it taste good and sell well they'll pack it full of other chemicals other crap that isn't good for you same thing with fat-free and low-fat you see they think that people are walking around trying to avoid fat they think that makes the fat so they say oh this is fat-free and sure maybe it is fat-free but then it's got all this other crap in it like it's got a bunch of sugar in it sugar isn't fat but you don't want to be eating a lot of sugar so watch out for all these labels here are the meaning meaningful labels that you can actually rely on if it says organic especially USD a certified organic that's really good because that is actually enforced by the government that's checked and maintained and you do want to buy as much organic food as possible grass fed and pasture raised these are good labels and they actually do mean something it means that the animal was actually raised on some kind of pasture or grass the way that it naturally should be look for grass fed and pasture-raised eggs and meat vegan is a good label if you're trying to avoid meat and animal products dairy free gluten free soy free these can be trusted although of course remember that just because something is gluten-free doesn't mean it's healthy or just because it's dairy free does it mean that it's healthy that's just one piece of the larger puzzle that you need to be watching out for but it's good for example when you're looking at a product and you know you're trying to avoid dairy or gluten and you see that label it's dairy and gluten free that's good cuz then you can at least know that it fits that criteria for you and the last label is non-gmo that's also one that actually has some meaning behind it so that's the good list now let's move on to all the stuff that you should never buy again in the grocery store brace yourself for this one so here all the categories a lot of the stuff if you've never studied nutrition before and if you're eating the standard American diet you are gonna be quite outraged at this list that I'm putting forth but this is it this was gonna make you healthy never again should you ever buy soda of any kind or why vitamin water never again should you buy pasteurized fruit juice which basically includes all fruit juice that's not in the refrigerated section pasteurized fruit juice is all the bottled both glass and plastic bottles and boxed and bagged juice that you find on the shelves this is the kind of juice that can stand on a shelf for a year and then you can still drink it and the reason can do that has been pasteurized pasteurized means it's been cooked at high heat which destroys a lot of the the whole value of the juice so if you're gonna be going for fruit and vegetable juices make sure you're getting raw cold juice which has not been pasteurized and usually it has a very short shelf life it only lasts in a refrigerator for a couple of days a week maximum and even then you should go light on the fruit juices because they contain a lot of calories here's perhaps the worst category of all which is no bread of any kind I haven't eaten bread for the last two years at all and not just bread but all wheat containing products wheat is the number one culprit and cause of all autoimmune diseases and chronic fatigue and leaky gut syndrome because what people don't understand about wheat is that modern wheat is both engineered but also it was artificially bred even before it was genetically engineered in the early 20th century it was artificially bred to be pest resistant so that manufacturers could grow tons of this wheat at a very high yield at very low costs because wheat provides most the calorie intake for most human beings on the whole planet so what happened is that they created and they they artificially bred these very highly resistant forms of wheat which are covered by this coating which is very difficult for pests to penetrate so that's good as far as pests go doesn't ruin the crop but it's terrible for your stomach because your stomach has not evolved to digest these newly bred forms of wheat and so because of this what happens that you eat the wheat with almost every meal and just becomes this chronic feeding of these indigestible wheat molecules into your gut and then they go through the lining in your gut and then your immune system actually has to be constantly fighting this wheat that you're pumping into your body because your stomach certainly can't digest it and then this leads to all sorts of problems from that on that's what activates these autoimmune diseases a lot of autoimmune diseases can simply be cured by cutting out all wheat from your diet so what I highly recommend for you if you're really into consciousness work and you care about your health bite the bullet and ditch all bread and all wheat from your diet also of course that means you have to avoid everything in the bakery aisle which includes all pastries pies cakes cookies muffins bagels Donuts and so forth croissants also of course this includes pasta and cereal so what we're doing here is we're cutting out some very major food groups as you can see on the one hand this might sound depressing and it might sound difficult to do but on the other hand you can see that this is a big change and you'll see the list of positive stuff that I'll give you after we complete a list of stuff to avoid is gonna be a lot of very healthy food you can see how that will make a big difference in your in your nutrition and also what should harden you from this discussion about wheat is that actually a wheat is the single largest contributor to obesity into fat if your fat is primarily because you eat so much wheat when you stop eating wheat it'll be very very difficult for you to put on weight no matter how much of it you eat as long as you also avoid lots of sugar the next huge category is dairy I recommend that you cut out all dairy dairy contains various proteins in it like casein - which many people are sensitive and allergic without knowing and I'm not just talking about lactose intolerance for example I'm not lactose intolerant I've ate dairy for most of my life although I haven't for about the last year or two I've cut it out entirely and it's huge it's huge because these autoimmune disease are also triggered by dairy most of the dairy that people consume are is very low quality pasteurized dairy and acne for example I used to have a lot of acne completely went away after I eliminated dairy so of course the dairy category includes not only milk but also all the stuff you love like cheese ice cream yogurt butter sour cream and of course all the products that use that such as pizza of course you should have a limited pits already because it's bread mostly bread but it's a bad combination of bread and also cheese dairy you should also specifically avoid sweetened yogurts those are particularly nasty got chemical and artificial sweeteners in them you should also avoid all corn products as much as possible a lot of corn is genetically modified and also difficult to digest it just has very low nutritional content overall also soy products people think soy is healthy there's nothing particularly healthy about so in fact soy can also cause allergic reactions in your body and for men so it can be problematic because it actually puts too much estrogen hormones into your body because that comes from soya as well so all soy products basically I avoid and of course that includes even soy sauce and soy sauce is problematic not because just it contains soy but also it contains wheat you should also avoid all pre-made meals such as Lunchables rice mixes potato mixes all the kind of stuff you find in boxes there in the grocery store also of course avoid all frozen meals such as TV dinners frozen pizzas Hot Pockets pot pies and all the sort of frozen stuff that's available there completely avoid all that avoid all chips avoid all deli meat like salami 's and hams all canned meat bacon and sausage and all other kinds of processed meats avoid frozen desserts like ice cream pies cakes avoid store made sandwiches and wraps and pasta salad of course because that's all we tanned usually it's the lowest quality of ingredients that you can find all the store made sandwiches and stuff like that you think they're using high quality organic ingredients in that no they're using the cheapest possible stuff in there avoid all salad dressings pre-made salad dressings stuff that you find in bottles on the shelves of course it contains a lot of preservatives and also most salad dressings also contain dairy stuff like ranch dressing and so on make your own salad dressings using olive oil vinegar lemon juice and spices and that kind of avoid dried soups and noodles like ramen noodles those are terrible for you avoid heinz ketchup it contains a bunch of sugar in it avoid barbecue sauces it also contains lots of sugar avoid whey protein whey protein also in addition to casein is one of those molecules which is difficult to digest and many people have problems digesting it which is why if you do consume whey protein and your protein shakes or workout supplements which I used to take a lot of then you you know you got a lot of acne from that and now you know why it's because of the way your body can't process it and it's not just that you're having acne and doesn't look good it's also what's going on on the inside not only in getting out acne on the outside on the inside what's happening is that your immune system is struggling to fight all this stuff and it's sapping your energy and causing diseases avoid protein bars and protein shakes those are often advertised as being healthy but literally what most protein bars are is just candy it's like a Snickers bar except they put a little bit of protein powder into it which isn't good for you to begin with and then they put all sorts of chemicals and sugar packed with sugar in there same thing with all those shakes avoid Atlantic salmon tuna swordfish and mackerel these big fish are often contaminated with heavy metals like mercury avoid farmed fish because most farmed fish are of course fed corn so the corn fed fish this one I'm a little bit more lenient on so if you need to buy some seafood this farm farm farm raised then that's that's alright it's not the end of the world but try to avoid and go for wild fish whatever it's available avoid canned tuna that contains a lot of mercury in it avoid coffee avoid alcohol never again buy candy or milk chocolate don't buy safflower oil canola oil or oil sprays that kind of Pam spray that you spray on your and it's completely unnecessary and it contains all sorts of artificial oils and hydrogenated fats they're bad for you avoid butter substitutes like healthy Smart Balance butter and I can't believe it's not butter and margarine this is all terrible stuff just use healthy olive oil or some other kind of oil for that avoid sugar of course and artificial sweeteners like Splenda and aspartame and all that kind of stuff avoid corn fed meat and avoid corn fed or vegetarian fed eggs so that's my list of all the stuff you should never buy again here's a list of all the aisles in the grocery store that really you should never visit again in your entire life the candy aisle you have no business being there the deli meat aisle the cheese aisle the soda and juice aisle the bread and bakery aisle the cereal aisle the chips aisle the alcohol aisle and the protein bar aisle all of these aisles if you never went to again in your entire life you would be very well served and I almost never go to these so that's the bad news here's the good news here's what you can actually buy fresh fruits and veggies this is a huge category you should be shopping in this category a lot there's a lot of different fresh fruits and veggies that you can eat most almost all of them are healthy for you frozen fruits and veggies these are also really good I like to rely on frozen fruits and veggies because they can store nice and well in my freezer just make sure to to buy organic as much as possible and to wash them very well if it's fresh if it's frozen of course you're not going to be washing them which is especially why I buy frozen stuff as organic as much as possible pre-wash salad mix is very good although you're wasting some plastic therefore the environments not that good but as far as saving you time is quite convenient 100% pure canned fruits and vegetables these can be alright they're not ideal but you need some options for storing food so this is probably the best way to do it just make sure they don't have too many artificial preservatives in there and also watch out that they're not filled with sugar for example a lot of canned fruits are really just uh packed with sugar so you want to find canned fruits that are very low in sugar or no sugar at all fresh cold juices these can be good like I mentioned before fresh or frozen meat especially as much as possible organic and grass-fed those are good if you're into meat if you're not into meat if you're a vegetarian or a vegan well then you're gonna skip this category pure nuts is another good category all kinds of nuts almonds walnuts and pistachios and so forth what I mean though by pure nuts though is be careful not to buy nuts in those kind of nut mixes which contain sugar and there's also like candy coated nuts which people might consider nuts these aren't nuts this is candy or sugar-coated are honey-coated know what I mean by nuts is just either raw or roasted with as little salt as possible nut butters can also be good like almonds or hazelnuts peanut butter I guess is alright although I think peanuts can can cause reaction so I usually stay away from peanuts depends of course on you you can also buy organic pasture-raised eggs they're more expensive but they're higher quality of course spices are pretty much all good vinegar is okay hot sauce is okay mustard real ketchup not heinz ketchup but other kinds of ketchup which contain lower quantities of sugar you can even find sugar-free ketchup which tastes actually much better than Heinz so these are like all your condiments spices you want to buy organic spices as much as possible as far as oils the best oils you can buy our olive oil coconut oil avocado oil flax oil and sesame oil seaweed can be good olives pickles Cape sauerkraut hummus you can buy these you can buy kombucha almond milk and coconut milk are great substitutes for any kind of dairy that needs to be used in smoothies or dairy recipes you can even buy almond milk or coconut milk ice cream if you want to get a little bit of ice cream into your diet sometimes that's that's good as far as the kind of grains that you can eat gluten-free oatmeal is alright quinoa is alright rice and beans are alright meat and vegetable stocks in cans or in boxed cartons these are okay although of course ideally you'd make your own stock but just for convenience yeah you can get it in a can try to get cans that are bpa-free wild seafood as much as possible make it wild rather than farm raised sardines certain versions of sardines can be pretty good coconut yogurt is a good substitute for yogurt if that's what you want for dairy yogurt dark chocolate if it's 80% or higher that's alright with in moderation because it still contains quite a bit of sugar you can buy raw honey if you need a sweetener of some kinds like a sweetener for your tea or sweetener for some kind of dessert recipe that you're making or to to scratch that sweet tooth that you have spring water sparkling waters alright unsweetened tea is alright green tea is good and as far as buying pre-made food at the stores sushi is good if you're into that and whole roasted chicken because usually they don't screw around too much with the whole roasted chicken you just buy one of those so that's my list of the good stuff of course it's much smaller than the other list and you can see that now you're working with limitations here and perhaps the biggest limitation is where you can go as far as restaurant and what you can eat out because if you apply this list that I gave you if stuff you can't eat then basically that eliminates like 95% of all of your restaurant options if you go to a typical restaurant you look at their menu 95% of their stuff will contain either dairy or gluten or corn or sugar or a combination of all the above so this basically means that you need to cook most of your meals at home so get good at doing that perfect that process and then actually it'll be quite um efficient for you now I know this might sound depressing and even impossible to follow these lists that I gave you but let me assure you that it certainly is possible it just requires vision and purpose for why you're doing it not just for a quick little rapid weight loss and this requires a commitment to healthy living and also it requires a gradual transition this is not something that you do in a week or in a month or even in a year I've been transitioning my diet probably for the last 10 years to fit these lists that I've given you and at this point in my life is pretty effortless to sustain I feel pretty good about the food that I eat I can eat any quantity I food that I that I want I don't limit myself in quantity at all the food that I eat I love it tastes really good and it's great I feel all the conditions that were worsening with my old diet that those have been kind of stopped dead in their tracks and that I've prevented a lot of worsening of my conditions that could have happened otherwise of course a mistake would be to try to be a hundred percent perfect and following all these lists you don't need to be a hundred percent perfect aim for about 80% of the time that you're able to execute on this and then leave yourself some wiggle room 20% for when you need to go to a restaurant with your friends or when you're traveling in the airport they don't have a lot of options so you grab something that's not as healthy although you know like these days I eat about probably 90% plus within these guidelines that I'm giving you and then maybe 10% of the time I eat something that I that I shouldn't eat although I'm really really strict with avoiding wheat and dairy like I never touched those I haven't touched those in a couple years and I have made a commitment that I never will for the rest of my life I'm never gonna eat a piece of bread for the rest of my life and I've made peace with that same thing with dairy I told myself I'm never gonna eat another piece of cake or some dairy ice cream again in my entire life and that's that's the hardest challenge here is to kind of like to accept the shock of that the first time you try to think even of making that commitment sigh goddamn that's gonna be impossible it's like oh man I'm giving up so much all my favourite food I'm never gonna eat a piece of pizza again I'm never gonna eat ice cream again I'm never gonna eat a croissant again or a donut again and at first it seems kind of depressing it's like oh I'm loading myself myself so much why should I be so strict with myself but actually as you start to implement this you start to see the benefits in terms of your energy in terms of your ability with your consciousness and what you can do especially if you're doing yoga or you're doing meditation or self-inquiry practice and maybe you taking psychedelics and then you see just how much better you feel from eliminating these offenders these worst offenders from your diet I would say start very slow with this transition and work on eliminating the worst offenders which is the category of wheat and dairy those are the two worst by far if you can ditch those two right there that's huge and also if you can dish all soda all deserts all coffee all sugar and all boxed foods this will be huge and then if you can change all of your vegetables and all of your meat to be organic that will be huge so what I recommend is that you you kind of pick and choose divide and conquer because you can't do all this at once you're you're very likely to succumb to to peer pressure and to your hunger and your cravings so I would say you know work for a couple of months just to eliminate dairy then or maybe work for a couple more months to eliminate wheat and then soda and sugar and just kind of like divide and conquer like that and then over the next let's say five years you're gonna be implementing this plan gradually slowly it's a long term process requiring vision you see the vision is like why are you doing this because you really care about your health you care about your energy levels you care about the quality of your consciousness and how conscious you're able to be throughout your entire day you don't like feeling groggy or sleepy or needing to take a nap and you don't like dealing with acne and you don't like dealing with all the autoimmune issues that you're gonna get you don't like being fat all that sort of stuff but really you need to do it not for negative reasons but really for positive reasons for me the positive reasons are that I've committed my life to the pursuit of consciousness and I just know the huge difference this makes in my ability to be conscious for example wheat wheat makes me very groggy and very sleepy all the time that I did I eat it and it just sends me to these spirals of of unconsciousness which I've I've had so many of those that I'm sick and tired of them that I would rather never eat wheat again then go down those spirals again so you got to reach that kind of point in your own life as far as eating out at restaurants you're probably not gonna be doing that nearly as much anymore you can still eat out at restaurants you just gotta find the right restaurants and the right items on their menus that you can still eat but but yeah generally restaurants are bad because the kind of ingredients that they're serving you just think about it it's going to be the lowest quality ingredients it's definitely not going to be organic and they are in a position where they are incentivized to serve you the cheapest possible eggs bacon meat and every other kind of item that you could have on your plate it's gonna be the cheapest thing that they could have found that they could have sold you without you looking at it and sending it back to them basically so be very very suspicious of restaurant food even especially even if it's are an expensive restaurant you think that a great steakhouse which is serving you a $50 steak is serving you an organic steak no of course not of course not they're serving you the cheapest steak they can get away with and still maintain their status as a expensive steak restaurant as far as traveling goes that's a little tricky you want to develop some solutions and some options for how to prepare snacks for yourself when you're at the airport because the airport has notoriously low quality food so whenever I go to the airport usually I cut up a bunch of apples and strawberries and and fruits and bananas and stuff like that and I make myself a little pack of snacks which holds me over until I get to my destination so you got to be able to plan that ahead so you can definitely find solutions for that maybe take some almond butter with you you know high-energy snacks maybe some dark chocolate stuff like that those are usually very portable and high in calories so that's basically my list for you that's all the guidelines the good news is is that you can eat all these healthy foods that I talked about in unlimited quantities knock yourself out what you'll notice is that you'll never be a fad I actually haven't gone to the gym in about a year and a half until then I went to the gym every single day pretty much or at least five five times a week for about ten years straight and then I just got tired of it and I stopped because I felt like actually I needed to recover because I was working out too much and also I got into consciousness work so I wanted to focus my time on that so I haven't been go to the gym lately and I know that I need to be so I will be doing that in the future I'm gonna kind of work that back into my route into my schedule but what has been very interesting to me is that I used to be 65 pounds overweight until I started going to the gym and I thought that it's hey it's going to the gym that's gonna make me slimmer but actually not so much what made me slimmer is changing my diet that's what really mattered the most and I've been able to keep my weight exactly as it is whether I'm going to the gym or not going to gym it doesn't matter I'm always slim in fact people call me skinny now because I eat foods that are almost impossible to make me fat because all the stuff that makes you fat I have a limited from my diet the sugar the dairy the wheat so what's left fruits and meats you're not gonna get fat on fruits and meats so that's one of the upsides here you're never gonna have to step on a scale again then we have to worry about your belly again for the rest of your life that's a pretty cool trade-off because you know a lot of people waste so much emotional energy worrying about how they look and I know that I used to do that a lot too I used to worry every single week and be like oh I'm getting a little bit fatter I kind of like trim down I gotta stop eating the ice cream stop eating the bread stop eating the pizza you know and then it would always be this game the sort of yo-yo like back and forth and back and forth one week I would abstain from pizza because I thought I was getting a little too fat and then a month later I slimmed down a little bit more again fitting into my pants like oh okay now I can eat a little more pizza so I go eat the pizza and pig out on pizza and then it's like again next week I'm too fat I don't like it I feel bad about myself so it's just cause constant never-ending cycle and eventually just get sick and tired of it cuz you know the cycle is gonna continue for the rest of your life until you make these systemic changes to your nutrition yes this kind of diet will cost more it'll probably cost you one uh well like I would say 50% to 100% more so your expense for food might double you know if you've been eating ramen noodles and and crappy sandwiches and stuff very cheap eggs and meat then yeah your food costs might double but here's how you got to reframe that you got to reframe this as a long-term investment first of all you're gonna save on healthcare down the road you're gonna save on medicines guarantee you're gonna save on medicines if you make these changes and you'll save thousands of dollars you're gonna save money on health insurance fees you're gonna save money on your doctors fees but also of course you're gonna have more energy you're gonna feel better you're gonna be more motivating to be more conscious so how much is that worth to you to me that's worth it now of course depending on your budget I have a pretty good budget so for me if I double my food budget it doesn't really make that big of a difference I know people out there who are tight with money so of course for them that'll make a huge difference and maybe you can't even afford that if you're a college student maybe you can't afford that you're on a tight budget well you can still find options so in though in that case maybe you want to avoid the the expensive organic fruits and vegetables maybe you want to buy inorganic for now until you get a better job and change that situation but ultimately you want to reframe this as an investment in yourself and here's another way to reframe it think of it this way your grandparents they ate 100% organic food because 80 years ago there was no inorganic food it was all pretty much organic food what's happened in the last 50 years in the food industry has been really shocking and remarkable all these chemicals all these shortcuts have been taken by all these food manufacturers and farmers every possible shortcut every possible way to slice every penny off of all food costs and this might seem like a great thing because now food is more affordable but also the problem is is that your grandparents if you actually do the math they would spend a pretty significant chunk of their entire monthly salary just on food whereas today we spend a much much less so we have more discretionary spending but the problem of course is that people waste their discretionary spending on all sorts of stupid stuff they bought they buy all sorts of stuff they don't really need but the one thing they really do need which is good nutrition they don't provide to themselves because before that was automatic in your grandparents days all they have to do is just like raise chickens and cows and and some apples pick apples off a tree and it was fine they could eat that stuff and it was all organic and and grass-fed and and great but today you got to pay for that that's no longer automatic you don't get that at the restaurant you don't get that at McDonald's and you don't get it in your basic grocery store you gotta like find the better grocery stores which cater to people who actually care about their health and unconsciousness so yes it costs a little bit more but still in the overall picture it's still gonna be cheaper than it was for your grandparents food is still relatively inexpensive in our society which is one of the luxuries of modern society is that it it has become more and more affordable compared to in the past but there is the danger in that you take it for granted and you go for the cheapest cheapest stuff and you try to save every single penny and in the end you end up shooting yourself in the foot and in the end it'll cost you much more in the long run think about how much more you can accomplish at your job how many more promotions are gonna get how much better you're gonna be at following your life purpose at running your business at not being sick if you put this diet into place that will pay for itself in the years to come and you're gonna need some new recipes maybe half a dozen to a dozen new recipes solid ones that you can rely on every single week that use healthy ingredients that are quick to cook up don't take a lot of time and hassle and that store pretty well in your refrigerator then you can heat it up and then eat it all week long I've already shared some of those recipes with you in the past I've shared my soup recipe I've shared some recipes for four smoothies and salads and in the future I'll continue to probably share more of those as I develop more myself because these days I cook a lot more at home and as a result I have to get more creative with the recipes because otherwise I get bored of them so I'm always on the lookout for new healthy quick efficient recipes that store well in my fruit in my fridge so that's basically it I hope you can see the benefits of this this is something that you really need to strategize about and slowly and methodically put into place in your life if you're college students this is especially important for you if you're in high school and a lot of people watch me who are even younger than college students you're in high school this is especially important it's really hard for me to emphasize just how much health will become a nuisance for you if you don't get your nutrition right when you're young when you're under 25 years old you can more or less take it for granted and still come out unscathed after you get into your 30s that's not gonna fly anymore all that will come back to haunt you and watch out it could really be a major obstacle in your ability to self actualize to run your career to run your business to follow your life purpose so just ask yourself you know do you really want to take that risk or are you willing to sacrifice pizzas so that you never have to worry about this risk any more in your life I think that's a pretty good trade-off I've sacrificed speeds along I don't know when the last time was that I ate a pizza years probably five years or more that I've eaten a slice of pizza and it's alright you get used to it you get used to it you find other tasty recipes and then really you don't think about it ever again I don't have to hold myself back it's not like I'm walking through the grocery stores like Oh Pizza a lot of slice of pizza rarely very very rarely I might get that but then I just quickly throw it out of my mind and I don't really give in to it because there's a larger vision at work so that's what you need to pull this off alright I'm done here please click like button for me share this with a friend and comes look at actualize Dorian's my website I've got the blog there the forum there the life purpose course there the book list I have some nutrition books on my book lists that are worthwhile for you to read and actually I do recommend that you read a dozen or so different nutrition books so that the medical literature and all the anecdotes that you read from those nutrition books they can penetrate into your mind and they can they can really shock you into like oh I'm really headed for a catastrophe if I don't take care of this and if if you're like me then maybe you already had a few of those catastrophes maybe you already have a few of these diseases some autoimmune disease some hypothyroid thing or some arthritis thing or whatever well this is your chance to actually take those and sort of Aikido your weaknesses into your strengths so one of the good things about the fact that I grew up in such an environment with such bad food and bad nutrition is that now I'm still relatively young in my early 30s I have basically solved my nutrition dilemma for the rest of my life whereas I think that if if I hadn't grown up in such toxic environment I would have been slowly poisoning myself for years and years and years and years and years to come so sometimes your greatest weaknesses actually lead to your biggest lessons your biggest shifts in consciousness and then from those you mature and you grow and you actually become wise beyond your ears so stick around with me I'll have probably more recipes for you in the future like I said of some of this healthy quick efficient stuff that I that I make for myself and so I'll probably be posting those not immediately next week but like throughout the year sprinkle those in here and there you